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Florida Educational Negotiators

The Florida Educational Negotiators is a statewide mutual support group that helps its members in assisting school boards in all matters related to employee relations. FEN is comprised of Chief Negotiators and school board bargaining team members, incorporated under the laws of Florida and governed by a Board of Directors as determined by duly adopted Bylaws.

Visit flfen.org for more information

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Florida Association of District School Superintendents

The Florida Association of District School Superintendents assists and supports superintendents in carrying out their responsibility as the educational leader of their community to ensure every student has access to a high-quality public education.

Visit fadss.org for more information

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Florida School Boards Association

The mission of the Florida School Boards Association is to increase student achievement through the development of effective school board leadership and advocacy for public education.

Visit fsba.org for more information

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Online Sunshine

The official internet site of the Florida Legislature providing access to the Florida Constitution and Statutes, links to the Florida House and Senate, links to bills and a legislative information center.

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The Government in the Sunshine Manual

The Government in the Sunshine Manual is a resource in understanding Florida’s open government laws. The manual details Florida’s Sunshine Law found in Chapter 286 Florida Statutes which describes rights to access most meetings of boards, commissions and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities. The manual also includes information describing Florida’s “Public Records Law” found in Chapter 119 Florida Statutes which describes the government documents available for inspection.

Public Employees Relations Commission

The Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) consists of three commissioners appointed by the governor for overlapping terms of four years, subject to Senate confirmation. PERC employs eight hearing officers who are licensed attorneys with more than five years experience. The hearing officers hold hearings throughout the state on labor and employment disputes. PERC and its staff review hearing officers’ recommendations. PERC issues a final order, which may be appealed directly to the District Courts of Appeal.

Visit perc.myflorida.com for more information